10. Relations

Just as sets provide a convenient language for properties of the objects in a type, relations provide a convenient language for the properties of the pairs of objects in a type. This might sound dry and abstract, but such properties turn up all over mathematics: the property of one real number being less than another; the property of one integer being congruent to another modulo 5; the property of one set being a subset of another; the property of one function being inverse to another.

In this chapter we introduce some of the important properties which relations themselves can have: they can be reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric or transitive, or any combination of these.

10.1. Reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, transitive

10.1.1. Example


A relation \(\sim\) on a type \(X\) is reflexive, if for all \(x\) of type \(X\), it is true that \(x\sim x\).


Prove that the relation \(|\) on \(\mathbb{N}\) is reflexive.


We must show that for all natural numbers \(x\), \(x\mid x\). Indeed, let \(x\) be a natural number; then \(x=x\cdot 1\).

example : Reflexive ((·:)  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro x
  use 1


A relation \(\sim\) on a type \(X\) is symmetric, if for all \(x\) and \(y\) of type \(X\), if \(x\sim y\), then \(y\sim x\).


Prove that the relation \(|\) on \(\mathbb{N}\) is not symmetric.


We must show that there exist natural numbers \(x\) and \(y\) such that, \(x\mid y\) and \(y\mid x\). Indeed, we have \(2=1\cdot 2\), so \(1\mid 2\), and \(2\cdot 0<1<2\cdot 1\), so \(2\not \mid 1\).

example : ¬ Symmetric ((·:)  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  use 1, 2
  · use 2
  · apply Nat.not_dvd_of_exists_lt_and_lt
    use 0
    · numbers
    · numbers


A relation \(\sim\) on a type \(X\) is antisymmetric, if for all \(x\) and \(y\) of type \(X\), if \(x\sim y\) and \(y\sim x\), then \(x=y\).


Prove that the relation \(|\) on \(\mathbb{N}\) is antisymmetric.


We first note the following fact (\(\star\)): if \(m\) and \(n\) are natural numbers with \(m=0\) and \(m\mid n\), then \(m=n\). Indeed, since \(m\mid n\) there exists a natural number \(k\) such that \(n=mk\), and then

\[\begin{split}m&=0\\ &=0\cdot k\\ &=mk\\ &=n.\end{split}\]

We now return to the original problem. We must show that for all natural numbers \(x\) and \(y\), if \(x\mid y\) and \(y\mid x\), then \(x=y\). Indeed, let \(x\) and \(y\) be natural numbers and suppose \(x\mid y\) and \(y\mid x\). If \(x=0\) then by (\(\star\)) we are done; likewise if \(y=0\). Otherwise, \(x>0\), so since \(y\mid x\) we have \(y\le x\), and \(y>0\), so since \(x\mid y\) we have \(x\le y\), Putting these together, \(x=y\).

example : AntiSymmetric ((·:)  ·) := by
  have H :  {m n}, m = 0  m  n  m = n
  · intro m n h1 h2
    obtain k, hk := h2
    calc m = 0 := by rw [h1]
      _ = 0 * k := by ring
      _ = m * k := by rw [h1]
      _ = n := by rw [hk]
  dsimp [AntiSymmetric]
  intro x y h1 h2
  obtain hx | hx := Nat.eq_zero_or_pos x
  · apply H hx h1
  obtain hy | hy := Nat.eq_zero_or_pos y
  · have : y = x := by apply H hy h2
    rw [this]
  apply le_antisymm
  · apply Nat.le_of_dvd hy h1
  · apply Nat.le_of_dvd hx h2


A relation \(\sim\) on a type \(X\) is transitive, if for all \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\) of type \(X\), if \(x\sim y\) and \(y\sim z\), then \(x\sim z\).


Prove that the relation \(|\) on \(\mathbb{N}\) is transitive.


We must show that for all natural numbers \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\), if \(a\mid b\) and \(b\mid c\) then \(a\mid c\).

Indeed, let \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) be natural numbers with these properties. Since \(a\mid b\) there exists a natural number \(k\) such that \(b=ak\), and since \(b\mid c\) there exists a natural number \(l\) such that \(c=bl\). We then have

\[\begin{split}c&=bl\\ &=(ak)l\\ &=a(kl),\end{split}\]

so \(a\mid c\).

example : Transitive ((·:)  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  intro a b c hab hbc
  obtain k, hk := hab
  obtain l, hl := hbc
  use k * l
  calc c = b * l := by rw [hl]
    _ = (a * k) * l := by rw [hk]
    _ = a * (k * l) := by ring

10.1.2. Example


Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(=\) on \(\mathbb{R}\):

  1. reflexive;

  2. symmetric;

  3. antisymmetric;

  4. transitive.

example : Reflexive ((·:) = ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro x

example : Symmetric ((·:) = ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  intro x y h
  rw [h]

example : AntiSymmetric ((·:) = ·) := by
  dsimp [AntiSymmetric]
  intro x y h1 h2
  rw [h1]

example : Transitive ((·:) = ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  intro x y z h1 h2
  rw [h1, h2]

10.1.3. Example


Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{R}\), defined by, \(x\sim y\) if \((x-y)^2\leq 1\):

  1. reflexive;

  2. symmetric;

  3. antisymmetric;

  4. transitive.

local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  (x - y) ^ 2  1

example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro x
  calc (x - x) ^ 2 = 0 := by ring
    _  1 := by numbers

example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  intro x y h
  calc (y - x) ^ 2 = (x - y) ^ 2 := by ring
    _  1 := by rel [h]

example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [AntiSymmetric]
  use 1, 1.1
  · numbers
  · numbers
  · numbers

example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  use 1, 1.9, 2.5
  · numbers
  · numbers
  · numbers

10.1.4. Example

Consider the following finite inductive type Hand.

inductive Hand
  | rock
  | paper
  | scissors

Consider the following relation \(\prec\) on the Hand type.

@[reducible] def r : Hand  Hand  Prop
  | rock, rock => False
  | rock, paper => True
  | rock, scissors => False
  | paper, rock => False
  | paper, paper => False
  | paper, scissors => True
  | scissors, rock => True
  | scissors, paper => False
  | scissors, scissors => False

local infix:50 " ≺ " => r


Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\prec\):

  1. reflexive;

  2. symmetric;

  3. antisymmetric;

  4. transitive.

example : ¬ Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  use rock

example : ¬ Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  use rock, paper

example : AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [AntiSymmetric]
  intro x y
  cases x <;> cases y <;> exhaust

example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  use rock, paper, scissors

10.1.5. Exercises

  1. Show that the relation \(<\) on \(\mathbb{R}\) is not symmetric.

    example : ¬ Symmetric ((·:) < ·) := by
  2. Show that the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\), defined by, \(x\sim y\) if \(x\equiv y \mod 2\), is not antisymmetric.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  x  y [ZMOD 2]
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
  3. Consider the following finite inductive type Little, and the following relation \(\sim\) on the Little type. Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\sim\):

    1. reflexive;

    2. symmetric;

    3. antisymmetric;

    4. transitive.

    inductive Little
      | meg
      | jo
      | beth
      | amy
      deriving DecidableEq
    open Little
    @[reducible] def s : Little  Little  Prop
      | meg, meg => True
      | meg, jo => True
      | meg, beth => True
      | meg, amy => True
      | jo, meg => True
      | jo, jo => True
      | jo, beth => True
      | jo, amy => False
      | beth, meg => True
      | beth, jo => True
      | beth, beth => False
      | beth, amy => True
      | amy, meg => True
      | amy, jo => False
      | amy, beth => True
      | amy, amy => True
    local infix:50 " ∼ " => s
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by
  4. Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\), defined by, \(x\sim y\) if \(y\equiv x+1\mod 5\):

    1. reflexive;

    2. symmetric;

    3. antisymmetric;

    4. transitive.

    Also sketch (a representative portion of) this relation as a directed graph.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  y  x + 1 [ZMOD 5]
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by
  5. Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\), defined by, \(x\sim y\) if \(x+y\equiv 0\mod 3\):

    1. reflexive;

    2. symmetric;

    3. antisymmetric;

    4. transitive.

    Also sketch (a representative portion of) this relation as a directed graph.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  x + y  0 [ZMOD 3]
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by
  6. Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\subseteq\) on \(\mathcal{P}(\mathbb{N})\), the type of sets of natural numbers.

    1. reflexive;

    2. symmetric;

    3. antisymmetric;

    4. transitive.

    Also sketch (a representative portion of) this relation as a directed graph.

    example : Reflexive ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Reflexive ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Symmetric ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : AntiSymmetric ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : Transitive ((· : Set )  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Transitive ((· : Set )  ·) := by
  7. Determine which of these properties hold for the relation \(\prec\) on \(\mathbb{R}^2\), defined by, \((x_1, y_1) \prec (x_2,y_2)\) if \(x_1\le x_2\) and \(y_1\le y_2\):

    1. reflexive;

    2. symmetric;

    3. antisymmetric;

    4. transitive.

    local infix:50 "≺" => fun ((x1, y1) :  × ) (x2, y2)  (x1  x2  y1  y2)
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ AntiSymmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
    example : ¬ Transitive (·  ·) := by

10.2. Equivalence relations

10.2.1. Example


A relation is an equivalence relation, if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.


Let \(n\) be an integer. Show that the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\) defined by, \(x\sim y\) if \(x\equiv y\mod n\) is an equivalence relation.


By Example 3.3.10, the relation \(\sim\) is reflexive.

By two of the exercises to Section 3.3, the relation \(\sim\) is symmetric and transitive.

variable (n : )

local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  x  y [ZMOD n]

example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  apply Int.ModEq.refl

example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  apply Int.ModEq.symm

example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  apply Int.ModEq.trans

Let’s sketch (a portion of) this relation as a directed graph, say for \(n=3\).


It’s a mess, but it’s just possible to make out a pattern: the numbers form cliques, with, for example, … -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, … all connected to each other and to nothing else. We introduce the following visual shorthand for such a directed graph: when nodes are given different colours, this represents the directed graph in which all nodes of a given colour are connected bi-directionally to all nodes of that colour (including themselves) and to no other nodes.


10.2.2. Example


Show that the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\) defined by \(a\sim b\) if \(a^2=b^2\) is an equivalence relation.


For all integers \(x\), we have \(x^2=x^2\), so \(x\sim x\). Therefore the relation \(\sim\) is reflexive.

For all integers \(x\) and \(y\), we have that if \(x\sim y\) then \(x^2=y^2\), so \(y^2=x^2\), so \(y\sim z\). Therefore the relation \(\sim\) is symmetric.

For all integers \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\), we have that if \(x\sim y\) and \(y\sim z\) then \(x^2=y^2\) and \(y^2=z^2\), so

\[\begin{split}x^2&=y^2\\ &=z^2,\end{split}\]

so \(x\sim z\). Therefore the relation \(\sim\) is transitive.

local infix:50 "∼" => fun (x y : )  x ^ 2 = y ^ 2

example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro x

example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  intro x y hxy
  rw [hxy]

example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  intro x y z hxy hyz
  calc x ^ 2 = y ^ 2 := by rw [hxy]
    _ = z ^ 2 := by rw [hyz]

If you try to sketch the directed graph for this relation, you will see that it has the same “clique” behaviour as the previous relation. After sketching the directed graph, sketch the multicoloured “clique” version.

10.2.3. Example

You have probably guessed that the colouring can be made consistent in this way for any equivalence relation. Let’s make this mathematically rigorous.

Let \(r\) be a relation on a type \(\alpha\), denoted \(\sim\) in infix notation.


For \(a\) in \(\alpha\), the equivalence class of \(a\) (denoted \([a]\)) is \(\{b:\alpha\mid a\sim b\}\).


If the relation \(r\) is symmetric and transitive, then for all \(a_1\) and \(a_2\), if \(a_1\sim a_2\), then \([a_1]=[a_2]\).


We must show that for all \(b\) in \(\alpha\), \(a_1\sim b\) if and only if \(a_2\sim b\).

First, suppose that \(a_1\sim b\). Since \(a_1\sim a_2\), by symmetry \(a_2\sim a_1\), and so by transitivity \(a_2\sim a_1\sim b\).

Conversely, suppose that \(a_2\sim b\). Then since \(a_1\sim a_2\), by transitivity \(a_1\sim a_2\sim b\).

notation:arg "⦍" a "⦐" => { b | a  b }

theorem EquivalenceClass.eq_of_rel (h_symm : @Symmetric α r) (h_trans : @Transitive α r)
    {a1 a2 : α} (ha : a1  a2) :
    a1 = a2 := by
  ext b
  · intro ha1b
    apply h_trans (y := a1)
    · apply h_symm ha
    · apply ha1b
  · intro ha2b
    apply h_trans ha ha2b


If the relation \(r\) is reflexive, then every \(a\) is an element of its own equivalence class: \(a\in [a]\).


We must show that for all \(a\), it is true that \(a\sim a\), and this is the definition of reflexivity.

theorem EquivalenceClass.mem_self (h_refl : @Reflexive α r) (a : α) :
    a  { b : α | a  b } := by
  apply h_refl

10.2.4. Example

Consider the relation \(=\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\). It is an equivalence relation, by Example 10.1.2.

Exercise: Sketch this relation, by drawing (a portion of) the underlying type \(\mathbb{Z}\) along a line, then colouring each equivalence class in a different colour.

10.2.5. Example


Show that the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}\) defined by, \((a,b)\sim(c,d)\) if \(a(d+1)=c(b+1)\), is an equivalence relation.


For all \((a,b)\) in \(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}\), \(a(b+1)=a(b+1)\), so \((a,b)\sim (a,b)\). Therefore \(\sim\) is reflexive.

For all \((a,b)\) and \((c,d)\) in \(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}\), if \((a,b)\sim (c,d)\) then \(a(d+1)=c(b+1)\), so \(c(b+1)=a(d+1)\), so \((c,d)\sim (a,b)\). Therefore \(\sim\) is symmetric.

For all \((a,b)\), \((c,d)\) and \((e,f)\) in \(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}\), if \((a,b)\sim (c,d)\) and \((c,d)\sim (e,f)\) then \(a(d+1)=c(b+1)\) and \(c(f+1)=e(d+1)\). We will show that \(a(f+1)=e(b+1)\), which will imply that \((a,b)\sim (e,f)\), which proves the transitivity of \(\sim\).

Since \(d+1>0\), it suffices to prove that \((d+1)\left[a(f+1)\right]=(d+1)\left[e(b+1)\right]\). Let \(B:= b+1\), \(D:= d+1\), and \(F:= f+1\): then we know that \(aD=cB\) and \(cF=eD\) and need to prove that \(D(aF)=D(eB)\).


\[\begin{split}D (a F) &= (a D) F \\ & = (c B) F \\ & = (c F) B \\ & = (e D) B \\ & = D (e B).\end{split}\]
local infix:50 "∼" => fun ((a, b) :  × ) (c, d)  a * (d + 1) = c * (b + 1)

example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro (a, b)

example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  intro (a, b) (c, d) h
  dsimp at *
  rw [h]

example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  intro (a, b) (c, d) (e, f) h1 h2
  dsimp at *
  set B := (b:) + 1
  set D := (d:) + 1
  set F := (f:) + 1
  have :=
  calc D * (a * F) = (a * D) * F := by ring
    _ = (c * B) * F := by rw [h1]
    _ = (c * F) * B := by ring
    _ = (e * D) * B := by rw [h2]
    _ = D * (e * B) := by ring
  cancel D at this

Now, sketch the relation \(\sim\), by drawing (a portion of) the underlying type \(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N}\) in the plane, then colouring each equivalence class in a different colour.

10.2.6. Example


The relation \(\sim\) on the type of level-0 types defined by, \(\alpha\sim\beta\) if there exists a bijective function \(f:\alpha\to\beta\), is an equivalence relation.

local infix:50 "∼" => fun (α β : Type)   f : α  β, Bijective f

example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Reflexive]
  intro α
  use id
  rw [bijective_iff_exists_inverse]
  use id
  · rfl
  · rfl

example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Symmetric]
  intro α β h
  obtain f, hf := h
  rw [bijective_iff_exists_inverse] at hf
  obtain g, hfg1, hfg2 := hf
  use g
  rw [bijective_iff_exists_inverse]
  use f
  · apply hfg2
  · apply hfg1

example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  dsimp [Transitive]
  intro α β γ h1 h2
  obtain f1, hf1a, hf1b := h1
  obtain f2, hf2a, hf2b := h2
  use f2  f1
  · apply Injective.comp
    · apply hf2a
    · apply hf1a
  · apply Surjective.comp
    · apply hf2b
    · apply hf1b

10.2.7. Exercises

  1. Consider the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}\) defined by, \(a\sim b\) if there exist positive integers \(m\) and \(n\) such that \(am=bn\).

    • Show that \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation.

    • Sketch the relation \(\sim\), by drawing (a portion of) the underlying type \(\mathbb{Z}\) along a line, then colouring each equivalence class in a different colour.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun (a b : )   m n, m > 0  n > 0  a * m = b * n
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  2. Consider the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{N}^2\) defined by, \((a,b)\sim(c,d)\) if \(a+d=b+c\).

    • Show that \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation.

    • Sketch the relation \(\sim\), by drawing (a portion of) the underlying type \(\mathbb{N}^2\) in the plane, then colouring each equivalence class in a different colour.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun ((a, b) :  × ) (c, d)  a + d = b + c
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by
  3. Consider the relation \(\sim\) on \(\mathbb{Z}^2\) defined by, \((a,b)\sim(c,d)\) if there exist positive integers \(m\) and \(n\) with \(mb(b^2-3a^2)=nd(d^2-3c^2)\).

    • Show that \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation.

    • Sketch the relation \(\sim\), by drawing (a portion of) the underlying type \(\mathbb{Z}^2\) in the plane, then colouring each equivalence class in a different colour.

    local infix:50 "∼" => fun ((a, b) :  × ) (c, d) 
       m n, m > 0  n > 0  m * b * (b ^ 2 - 3 * a ^ 2) = n * d * (d ^ 2 - 3 * c ^ 2)
    example : Reflexive (·  ·) := by
    example : Symmetric (·  ·) := by
    example : Transitive (·  ·) := by