.. _proofs_with_structure: Proofs with structure ===================== The proofs by calculation of :numref:`Chapter %s ` were all, from a certain point of view, one-step proofs. In this chapter we gradually introduce the ingredients for multi-step proofs. These include establishing "intermediate" facts which get referred back to later, invoking named lemmas previously proved by yourself or other people, and taking apart complicated mathematical statements which have been built up from simpler ones using the logical symbols :math:`\lor`, :math:`\land` and :math:`\exists`. This chapter also introduces the key interactivity feature of the Lean language: the live-updating *infoview* keeping track of your current hypotheses and goals. The work of this chapter continues (after a break) in :numref:`Chapter %s `. .. include:: ch02_Proofs_with_Structure/01_Intermediate_Steps.inc .. include:: ch02_Proofs_with_Structure/02_Invoking_Lemmas.inc .. include:: ch02_Proofs_with_Structure/03_Or.inc .. include:: ch02_Proofs_with_Structure/04_And.inc .. include:: ch02_Proofs_with_Structure/05_Exists.inc